Barry Cryer and Ronnie Golden
LIVE! actually
Against doctors' orders we present the dynamic duo of comedy legend
Barry Cryer (Im Sorry I Havent A Clue), and former Fabulous Poodle
Ronnie Golden with a riotous, rip-roaring DVD of comedy and song.
Forget a combined age of 142, they deliver this with neither a safety
net nor Zimmer frame in sight!
A glorious mix of Barrys legendary jokes and stories alongside
Ronnies skillful strumming and wicked wit make this a unique and
hilarious DVD.
Expect songs that deal with the burning issues of the day: voluntary
euthanasia, mobile phone frustrations, Stannah Stairlifts and John
The extras include an extended q+a with the audience, where you can
find out everything that the audience is interested in. Of course, it
is not long before Barry's showbiz anecdotes take over proceedings.
Barry Cryer and Ronnie Golden
LIVE! actually
Purchase Options


Steve Bennett, Chortle
Further Info
main feature - 1hr 12mins
extras - 42mins
DVD9 - 16:9
Region 0 - PAL
Stereo - In colour
file size - 1.3gb Download Info