Christian Reilly
Songs of Praise (cd)
SOP (cd)
Here's a studio CD from AIOTM's Christian Reilly!
It features 12 songs from his 2013 show Songs of Praise.
Here's a bit of blurb about the show
Perrier/Chortle awarded musical comedian with more songs to heal the world. Featuring: Dolly Parton on papal infallibility, Muse on artistic integrity, Elton John on reproduction and Jay-Z on food labelling. Exposing: zombie sex-pests, class warfare and being chatted up by your maths teacher.
And here's the track listing
1. Sing in American
2. Bloated Overpaid Non-elected Oligarch
3. Musical Racism
4. Popin' 9 to 5
5. Dirty Dancefloor
6. Fox Hunting (Bryan Ferry On Rural Life)
7. Spend Your Wad (The Red Hot Chilli Peppers Fix The Economy)
8. Competition
9. Sexy A$$ (Phat A$$ mix)
10. Fire
11. Dark Wood and Light Wood
12. My Name is ..
(bonus track) Sexy A$$ (Unplugged A$$ mix)
Rich Hall
Seriously funny
Richard Herring
A clever comic ... funniest songs I've heard in a long time
Kate Copstick, Scotsman