Richard Herring
Lord of the Dance Settee
After covering weighty issues like death, love, religion and spam javelins, 'The King of Edinburgh' (6 Music) is in a frivolous mood with this show about daftness, whether the term cool comedian is an oxymoron, bouncing joyously on the sofa and how Herring's whole career is a failed attempt to top a piece of visual slapstick comedy he came up with at 16. Can he revisit the joke thirty years on or will it smash his old bones?
This double DVD is once again busting at the seams with all manner of exciting extras. We've got the main show - a whole bunch of deleted scenes, interviews with some of the show's protagonists and on disc 2 there's an epic hour and a half interview Richard gave to the Standup Comedy Archive. Oh - and have you ever wondered what Rich gets up to in the interval? All is revealed. It's not as bad as you might think.
Our most important extra is probably another exclusive audio frame of Me1 vs Me2 snooker. Who will win this time? Who won last time? No one can remember.
And if you put disc 2 into a computer, you'll be able to listen to an audio recording of this show that Rich performed as part of his marathon 12 Shows of Herring run at the Leicester Square Theatre, along with all episodes of the Lord of the Dance Settee podcasts.

'A new Richard Herring show is a never-ending cause for delight' List
Further Info
Running Times
Main Show - 1hr 26min
Video Extras - 2hr 14min
Audio Extras - 8hr 56min
Discs 2
Lord of the Dance Settee
running time - 1hr 26min
filesize (1080p) - 3.3gb
filesize (720p) - 1gb
filesize (mp3 audio) - 125mb
Cut Bits
running time - 17min
filesize - 206mb
Standup Archive Interview
running time - 90min
filesize - 1.2gb
Christ Interview
running time - 6min
filesize - 90mb
Phil Interview
running time - 9min
filesize - 125mb Download Info