Ben Moor
Who Here's Lost?
It's 2020 - the year everything was cancelled. Amongst the things we lost was the new show by Ben Moor.
It was due to be performed at the Edinburgh Festival, and probably all round the country.
One part of the show has survived, and that's this book. Ben was going to sell them after each performance. Each copy is from the limited, numbered, first edition. And comes with a free badge.
This is from Ben -
So in lieu of the theatrical performances of Who Here's Lost? I have printed the text of the piece for to be read at leisure. This would have been on sale after the show to people who missed half the jokes (I tend to go fast) and so they can try and work out just what it was they'd been watching.
The book version also includes pieces I wrote in each of the last four decades:
The cover illustration is by the very excellent Jules Scheele, based on a photograph taken by the also excellent Andy Lane.
It's been wonderfully printed by Printbar who have done a fabulous job.