Robin Ince
Robin Ince is as Dumb as You
Here is Robin Ince's DVD for you.
'This show was recorded in the midst of a weeklong bout of insomnia. If you hear any poor sentence structure, this is due to part of my brain keeping me awake as some sort of neurological joke.'
Essentially a breakdown show then.
We've got an excellent thing here - our first ever commentary track. And Robin has made comments about every part of the disc. He goes on for hours.
Further Info
Running Time - 1hr 9mins
Extras - 1hr 9mins
Commentary - 2hr 9mins
Aspect - 16:9
Region - 0
Format - Pal
This download comes as an audio or video file.
video size 501mb
video format mp4 avc
audio size 76mb
audio format mp3 Download Info