Phil Nichol
Welcome To Crazytown
January 19th 1974, legendary Beat poet Bobby Spade performed his magnum opus Welcome to Crazytown at Baltimores famous jazz club, Berthas. That show ended in near tragedy.
Phil Nichol recreates that event. 'Welcome to Crazytown' is a semi-autobiographical masterpiece of poetic story-telling that explores the dark seedy underbelly of a metropolis. Written just after the death of Spades third wife Tamara during a period of extreme grieving and substance abuse, its been compared to Dylan Thomass Under Milkwood.
This show has been put together from all the footage available, and was recorded on the night back in 2010.
Further Info
Welcome To Crazytown
running time - 57min
filesize (1080p) - 2.3gb
filesize (720p) - 1.2gb
filesize (mp3 audio) - 89mb Download Info